Sind Sie bereit, Oslo zu erkunden? Die Stadt hat eine reiche Geschichte, in der Kultur, Kunst und Moderne im Herzen des Stadtzentrums zusammentreffen. Die Stadt ist kompakt und es gibt eine Reihe von fesselnden Attraktionen und Sehenswürdigkeiten, die nur darauf warten, erkundet zu werden. Wir stellen Ihnen die 10 wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten vor, die super zentral liegen und alle von unserem Hotel, dem K7 Hotel Oslo, zu Fuß erreichbar sind.
1. Der königliche Palast (Det kongelige slott)

Erkunden Sie den ikonischen Königspalast, die offizielle Residenz der norwegischen Monarchen. Bewundern Sie die Fassade und den Garten der Königin sowie den Schlosspark, der den Palast umgibt. Und wenn Sie Glück mit dem Timing haben, können Sie die Zeremonie der Wachablösung der königlichen Wachen beobachten.
Entfernung vom K7 Hotel Oslo: 1300 Meter oder 0,8 Meilen
2. Osloer Dom (Oslo domkirke)

Die Kathedrale von Oslo ist eine Sehenswürdigkeit, die Sie unbedingt besichtigen sollten. Bewundern Sie das neugotische Design und die detailreiche Innenausstattung mit Buntglasfenstern und verzierten Altären, die das jahrhundertelange norwegische Erbe widerspiegeln. Besuchen Sie einen Gottesdienst, um die Kathedrale in vollen Zügen zu genießen.
Entfernung vom K7 Hotel Oslo: 500 Meter oder 0.31 Meilen
3. Festung Akershus (Akershus festning)

Werfen Sie einen genaueren Blick auf Oslos mittelalterliche Vergangenheit mit einem Besuch der Festung Akershus, die den malerischen Osloer Fjord überblickt. Erkunden Sie diesen alten Ort mit seinen Kerkern, Zeremonienhallen, einer Kirche und einem Panoramablick auf die Skyline der Stadt und das Hafenviertel. Nehmen Sie an einer geführten Tour teil und erfahren Sie mehr über die Schlachten und Belagerungen, die Norwegens Geschichte geprägt haben.
Entfernung vom K7 Hotel Oslo: 550 Meter oder 0.34 Meilen
4. Das Nationalmuseum (Nasjonalmuseet)

Art enthusiasts will be delighted to visit the National Museum. It has a truly diverse collection of Norwegian and international masterpieces. Discover iconic works by Edvard Munch, including his renowned painting, „The Scream,“ and admire other art pieces from various artistic movements and genres.
Distance from K7 Hotel Oslo: 900 meters or 0.55 miles
5. Aker Brygge

What used to be the old shipyard area of Aker’s mechanical workshop, which was closed in 1982 has now been transformed into a lively area with shopping malls, restaurants, businesses and apartments. Aker Brygge is located next to the waterfront and has it’s own special vibe both night and day. Here you’ll find all sorts of restaurants that serves everything from traditional Norwegian cuisine and a range of international dishes. Aker Brygge also extends further towards Tjuvholmen. Here you can go for a swim if it’s a sunny day. There’s even a tiny artificial beach here.
Distance from K7 Hotel Oslo: 1100 meters or 0.68 miles
6. The Nobel Peace Center (Nobels fredssenter)

Gain insight into the pursuit of peace and humanitarian efforts at the Nobel Peace Center. Engage with interactive exhibits and thought-provoking displays honoring Nobel prize winners and nominees and their contributions to global harmony. Explore themes of conflict resolution, human rights, and environmental sustainability, and be inspired to become an agent of positive change in your own community and beyond.
Distance from K7 Hotel Oslo: 750 meters or 0.46 miles
7. Karl Johans gate

Named after the former king of Sweden and Norway, King Karl Johan (1818-1844), Karl Johans gate is the main street in Oslo. Here you’ll find a long range of shops, cafés, boutique shops, souvenir stores, and several historic landmarks. In one end of the street you’ll find the Royal Palace, and in the other end there’s Oslo Central Station.
Distance from K7 Hotel Oslo: 300 meters or 0.18 miles
8. City Hall (Rådhuset)

Oslo City hall opened in 1950 and is open to anyone who wants to take a look inside. Have a walk inside and get a good look at all the details of the architecture and art pieces. The walls are covered with art, and there’s even a Munch room. This room is often used for civil marriages. The City Hall tower is home to the largest carillon in the Nordics. You’ll hear the clocks playing tunes from the towers from far away .
Distance from K7 Hotel Oslo: 750 meters or 0.46 miles
9. The Munch Museum (Munchmuseet)

Visit the new museum of Munch, one of Norways most famous artists. The painter of the world renowned „Scream“. It’s one of the world’s most famous works of art, a universal symbol of anxiety, and even has its own emoji. Here are five keys to understanding Munch’s most celebrated motif. The new Munch Museum opened in October 2021 and has several floors to explore. At the top there’s a restaurant, bar and a magnificent view of the Oslo fjord. The view itself is worth the entrance fee, if you ask us.
Distance from K7 Hotel Oslo: 1100 meters or 0.68 miles
10. The Oslo Opera House (Operahuset)

In 2008 Oslo got a new Opera House. It is situated in the newly developed area called „Bjørvika“, on it’s own little artifical island or extension if you can call it that, out in the Oslo Fjord. The angular architecture arising from the waters of the fjord have become well known around the world and the design is considered the keystone signature of the Oslo Opera House. The roof and exterior is covered in white italian marble. The entire roof is also walkable and open to anyone at anytime.
Distance from K7 Hotel Oslo: 800 meters or 0.49 miles
Zentral wohnen

Whether you’re drawn to its royal heritage, artistic treasures, or scenic waterfront, Oslo invites you to discover its myriad charms at every turn. So why not stay central so that you’ll have walking distances to it all?
K7 Hotel Oslo is a local downtown hybrid hotel and hostel in the heart of Oslo city. We offer modern rooms for all kinds of people, as well as dorms for backpackers and budget travelers.